Fotografi sulmohet nga një kafshë gjysmë tigër dhe gjysmë luan


Fotografi sulmohet nga një kafshë gjysmë tigër dhe gjysmë luan

Më: 4 janar 2020 Në ora: 06:36
Steve Winter

Fotografi amerikan i natyrës, Steve Winter, ishte duke shkrepur disa fotografi në Oklahoma për National Geographic.

Ai kishte vendosur në fokus një ligre, një kafshë gjysmë tigër dhe gjysmë luan.

Papritmas kafsha 18 muajshe dhe me peshë 125 kilogramë, i cili mbahej në kushte të mjerueshme në Safari Sanctuary, u sul mbi fotografin.


Video of @stevewinterphoto by Nick Ruggia | I was jumped by a 275-pound "ti-liger” on assignment in Oklahoma while working on “The Tiger Next Door," a story on captive tigers in the U.S. for the December issue. Langely, an 18-month-old lion-tiger mix was discarded after he grew too big and dangerous for cub-petting and photo ops at Greater Wynnewood Exotic Animal Park. He was adopted by Safari Sanctuary in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, where he's lived inside a house and is walked around the property on a leash like a pet. He was still young and playful—and charged me when I was squatting to photograph him. I was unhurt. Safari Sanctuary is no longer open to the public. My experiences with shooting this story raised many questions. Most people don’t know that there are more tigers living in captivity in the United States than still survive in the wild; visitors are wrongly led to believe they’re helping conservation when they visit these attractions. Tigers that are crossed with lions have very serious health problems; these two species do not interbreed in nature, and this is done strictly to attract tourists. There are also public safety issues: there is no national law on big cat ownership and Oklahoma has no state law on owning big cats. The Big Cat Public Safety Act, currently in the U.S. Senate and the House, would better protect both animals and the public. Words by @stevewinterphoto.

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Por fatmirësisht Winter, arriti të shpëtojë pa lëndime nga sulmi.

Ligre, është një kryqëzim mes një luani mashkull dhe një tigri femër.

Nuk është një kafshë e njohur zyrtarisht, mirëpo është një natyrë mjaft agresive.

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